Coco Loco Beauty

About Me And This Company

December 30 2019-2021
My names Christy and just as people have a comfort food I strive to be a comfort cosmetics place. Let me be your comfort cosmetics. Come and shop find anything you like sugar free lol. Cry and have the taste of your favorite candy withough the strees of the sugar or the sugar break out. I DO NOT RECOMMEND EATING ANY OF THIS, but a few lip licks never hurt anybody(dont take that to literal). The name Coco Loco came to me when I was 8 or 9 I got my computer and was about to make a youtube video(cringe) and the name Coco Loco just came to me "Hey guys its Coco Loco and im going to the blah blah challenge" I never posted the video though but the name still stuck.
Then in 2019 I saw this video of somebody making lip gloss and I was in awe and in my head I was like I have to do this, I saved up my money for my trip to canada and let my aunt pay for everything and started my company when I came back. And ever since then ive been on a journey. So let me be your comfort company and shop.

